woensdag, januari 27, 2010

Youtube filmpje

New promo movie, availlable on youtube!!!!

Put up the volume!!!

donderdag, januari 21, 2010

La Palma pictures by Ron Sluik

Jannette her brother visited us last week, he send us some pictures from the top of a mountain, with view of the harbour!!!

zaterdag, januari 02, 2010


In Holland we have a traditional snack we eat on new years eve and the next day, and the day after that if there are any left..!! OLIEBOLLEN. And so to get into the holiday spirits we decided to make some Oliebollen ourselves!!
Here are some pictures of the oliebollen.
Scroll down to read the recipes.

Om ook in de Nieuw Jaars sfeer te komen hebben wij ook oliebollen gebakken!! Hier zijn een paar foto's van ons avontuur!! Onder staande is het recept van de oliebollen die wij gebakken hebben!

Makes 14
280gr - unbleached white bread flour / Bloem
Half a teaspoon salt / halve theelepel zout
7 gr dried yeast / droge gist
2 teaspoons sugar / 2 theelepels suiker
280 ml - milk, luke warm / melk, lauw
120 gr - raisins / rozijnen
oil for deep fat frying

Ad the yeast, sugar and salt to the flour in a big bowl, mix it.
Pour in the milk and mix it until it is a sticky dough. Mix in the raisins and knead the dough with your hands until it does not stick to the side of the bowl anymore.
Cover the bowl and leave to rise twice its size. This takes about an hour, best let it rest in a warm spot.
Heat the oil to 180C (350F), use two dessertspoons or as we did an Icespoon to scoop up a portion. Drop it into the hot oil and turn them occasionally, fry them for about 7/8 minutes.
When ready remove the oil and roll them in powdered sugar!!

vrijdag, januari 01, 2010

Happy New Year!!

The Teclacrew wishes everybody a happy new year!
The Tecla is still on the Canary Islands, getting ready to welcome you on board again in 2010.